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CYNOPSISDIGITAL 06.29.16 Good morning. It’s Wednesday June 29, 2016, and this is your first early morning digital briefing. TODAY’S CODEBREAKER Stitching: In virtual reality, Stitching is the process of taking footage from different cameras that have...
By Hasnain Zaheer Personal online marketing Connectivity is the 21st century electricity, data centres are the new rail tracks, and targeted advertising platforms such as Google AdWords are the new engines that pull our intentions, needs and wants...
Pexels In 2016, content reigned supreme. But not just any kind of content. This year saw an increase in demand for compelling interactive content, such as 360-degree virtual reality videos, the growth of visual content, such as infographics, a bigger...
Scorpene cutaway (click to view full) India’s submarine fleet currently consists of 16 boats: 10 Russian SSK Kilo (Sindhugosh) Class, 4 locally built SSK U209 (Shishumar) Class, a leased nuclear-powered Improved Akula Class SSN from Russia (INS...
Luxury Women to Watch 2017: Marketers set to make a difference Luxury Daily’s Luxury Women to Watch 2017 list honors smart women executives who are set to make a difference in the luxury business, particularly in marketing, retail, media and digital...
SOCRATES Journal is an international, refereed, and indexed scholarly publication focused on public policy, administration, and ph...
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Distributers of office products and IT Channel.
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