Yoyo Tricks. We have hundreds of yoyo tricks with step by step how to yoyo instructions, and a curated yoyo shop with only the best yoyos...
Yoyo Tricks. We have hundreds of yoyo tricks with step by step how to yoyo instructions, and a curated yoyo shop with only the best yoyos...
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锘? Yoyo: a definition a toy which consists of a circular object that can be made to go up and down a long piece of string to which it is tied (Cambridge University Press Dictionary) Ancient History The origins of the modern yoyo can be traced far back...
CommFest 2012 Social-lympics organized by the communications students was a success at Taylor's Lakeside. A day of fun activities and bonding with friends. Logging off from the virtual life of Social Media communication to reality. Highlights of the...
I thought this was really cool. Remember this video featuring Black? Well an online fact checking show called Galileo called up Joe Greve to find out and try to recreate it.
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How to Yoyo - Yoyo Tricks and Yoyo Shop | YoYoTricks.com
Learn how to yoyo. We have hundreds of yoyo tricks with step by step how to yoyo instructions, and a curated yoyo shop with only the best yoyos in the world.
Buy the Transcend Yoyo from $44.99 | YoYoTricks.com
The Transcend yoyo offers a great balance of casual and competitive play. Bring your combos to a new level of flow and style with the Transcend Yoyo.
The Atlas Yoyo - YoYoFactory x YoYoTricks.com | Buy Now
Buy the Atlas yoyo, a super-wide yoyo, 25% wider than most yoyo designs. The Atlas also won the 2015 World Yoyo Contest in the hands of Jake Elliott.
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