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The legend of Lincoln Clay continues to grow. Even outside of the “Bourbon City,” people want to learn more about the man. One local filmmaker has taken it upon himself to provide an up-close look at Lincoln’s world and his motivations for dismantling...
Welcome to the world of Mafia III. The city is New Bordeaux and the year is 1968. While the events of the game and the city itself are completely fictional, New Bordeaux is loosely based on the real New Orleans of that time. This Gulf Coast city borrows...
Tell about the South. What’s it like there. What do they do there. Why do they live there. Why do they live at all. —William Faulkner, Absalom, Absalom! (1936) One of the currents running through Faulkner’s Absalom, Absalom!, and indeed the Southern...
The first Mafia game is one of my all-time favourite video games in terms of accurately replicating a setting and atmosphere. It may not have had the greatest driving or shooting mechanics, but in 2002 Illusion Softworks put together a title that really...
It was no surprise that heaps of games were discussed, revealed and showcased at E3 2016. It’s what the event is about, after all. While many of the games and hardware covered over the course of the week won’t arrive for a year or more, there’s still...
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Hardboiled Chicken schopt kont! | Your Game News | Dé gamesblog
Hardboiled Chicken schopt kont! Hardboiled Chicken is een game waar vette animaties inzitten, en je speelt een haan die echt van knallen afweet. Ontwikkelaar Ratloop Asia heeft het verhaal zo weten te...
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