Wild Lens Inc. The Wild Lens Collective is a non-profit uniting diverse creators passionate about environmental conservation through impactful...
Wild Lens Inc. The Wild Lens Collective is a non-profit uniting diverse creators passionate about environmental conservation through impactful...
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Despite multiple commitments and increased international attention, efforts to save the world’s most endangered marine mammal are proving woefully inadequate – without urgent coordinated action from Mexico, the US and China, the extinction of the vaquita...
The vaquita almost doesn't look real. Only about 5 feet long, these tiny porpoises are silvery gray, and have dark rings around their eyes and dark patches across their lips, making them look more like children's book illustrations than actual animals...
12 February 2017 | World Wildlife Fund News Release Last week, the International Committee for the Recovery of the Vaquita (CIRVA) announced that only about 30 vaquitas are estimated to survive, compared to 60 individuals last year. The world’s smallest...
The U.S. National Institutes of Health wants to support responsible research into human-nonhuman hybrids, and they’d like your help. Sort of. On Aug. 4, the NIH proposed two changes to the way the agency will oversee research using human stem cells...
EVERY 50 metres or so of driving along any bush track inside Hwange National Park, masses of elephant dung litter the road. The jumbos, now numbering over 40 000, are such a common sight that the massive mammals occasionally break the greenery...
MiniWrites – A hub for your creative projects!
A hub for your creative projects!
The Progressive Press is a forthright resource for news, opinion, and activism. Our focus is on the dispensing of factual informat...
SOCRATES is an international, refereed (peer-reviewed) and indexed scholarly hybrid open-access journal in Public Administration a...
Wild Lens is a not for profit video production company focused on addressing wildlife conservation issues. We work alongside other non-profit organizations, independent researchers and government agen...
Where in the world is Wild Lens Feature Films Completed Eyes on Conservation Projects Active Eyes on Conservation Projects
Digging for Owls: The Reintroduction of the Burrowing Owl to British Columbia - Wild Lens
Digging for Owls documents the recovery of the Burrowing Owl in British Columbia. The Burrowing Owl was extirpated from BC in 1980, but a dedicated group of biologists and volunteers... Read more »
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