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News, stories and media buzz related to Veg News Tumblr

  • America is filled with great restaurants. There’s two ways that restaurants distinguish themselves. If they are great they will stand the test of time. They can last decades and people don’t get tired of them. The second thing they can do is they can...

  • Last week, we stumbled upon this mystery superhero who speculated that our ice cream dreams were coming true and that Ben & Jerry's had some new dairy-free flavors on the way. Now the rumors have been confirmed, and excuse us while we run to the...

  • Photo - Food Network Here are some of the highlights of the Food Network programming scheduled to air in March: Beat Bobby Flay premieres on Monday, March 3rd with a special sneak peek, but then moves to the Thursday at 10pm time slot. The premiere...

  • Meijer Matchups 8/11 – 8/17 Here is this week’s Meijer matchup. Get the best deals by combining weekly sale items with available coupons, and even better deals when you stack with Meijer Mperks store coupons. Remember prices can vary by...

  • Facebook/Chick-fil-A Chick-fil-A is known for its customer-first mentality. Quick, cheap, and satisfying: fast-food restaurants are designed to please the customer. A $225 billion industry that’s universally associated with American culture, fast...

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