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Summary / TL;DR Project What’s in it? Status C++17 See below Committee Draft published; final publication on track for 2017 Filesystems TS Standard filesystem interface Published! Part of C++17 Library Fundamentals TS v1 optional, any, string...
This year the Scala team applied again for the Google Summer of Code program to work with enthusiastic students on challenging Scala projects and got accepted! What is Google Summer of Code Google invites students to come up with interesting, non-trivial...
Summary / TL;DR Project What’s in it? Status C++14 C++14 Published! C++17 Various minor features. More substantial features under consideration include default comparisons and operator . On track for 2017 Networking TS Sockets library based on Boost...
Welcome to our latest series on Android development using the Java v4 SDK. In case you missed it, PubNub released the official v4 SDK earlier this summer, which includes a ton of updates and improvements to make building realtime apps on Android even...
Ok first off I would like to say that I DID NOT WRITE THIS However I found it in some OLD backups of disks I've found and thought I would share this. This is a GREAT beginner tutorial and it can also be used as a reference for experts... This is VERY...
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SOCRATES is an international, refereed (peer-reviewed) and indexed scholarly hybrid open-access journal in Public Administration a...
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