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“Irredeemable”? In This Battle For Survival, Donald Trump And His Supporters a.k.a. White America Are In It Together Paul Kersey October 16, 2016, 6:38 pm A Republican headquarters building is firebombed. [Republican HQ in Orange County firebombed...
As we mentioned last week, a couple of posts managed to pile up more Derp than we could contain in a single Dear Shitferbrains, so we’ll return for more punishment from those comment threads shortly. But first, a quick word from a very witty guy who...
Click here for reuse options! Trump's executive orders threaten civil strife on a scale the country has not seen in decades. Forget about the stupid wall for now—because even Republican congressmen in border states say it won’t stop migrants or smuggling...
Help! Donald Trump has been elected president! Jeff Sessions is going to be Attorney General! Steve Bannon is getting an office in the White House! Quick, let’s start banning books! Banning books is the iconic act of totalitarianism, from historical...
The Obama administration is admitting that his signature law has some problems. Nice of them to finally acknowledge that. And he's got just the fix - expand Medicaid and have the federal government be responsible for even more with a public option. President...
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