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Zoram wrote: Stout wrote:Judges also dont get nominated by the parliament. At least where i live there the power is separated in 3 parts (execution, jurisdiction, and making the rules) that (ideally) do not hold any power over each other. But then this...
Is a Diablo Release Upcoming At Blizzcon 2016? (SPECULATION) Heroic Tavern Brawl Potentially Delayed Until After BlizzCon Hallow's End is Here! 50% XP Boost, Event Quest, Portrait, Bundles Competitive Changes for Overwatch Season 3 Patch 7.1 Hotfixes...
Let's be frustrated together! PoignardAzur wrote: As far as I am aware, Minetest is an horrible failure at any decent goal I could imagine for it. That's a bit rough isn't it? I have personally seen Minetest raise from nothing to likely tens of thousands...
15 Minutes of Fame!!!!!!!! Astroflux welcomes this game within a game, played every 2-3 days barring any system updates or server issues. The game is mostly word play oriented, taking place in global chat and consists of a "challenge" a "time limit...
“History has been altered and hidden from the eyes of the people of the world and I am here to reveal it to you…” More of that speech by Mr. Soegi later. Four minute history lesson in HD, here “Bapak Soegi” (Mr. Soegi – sometimes spelled Mr. Sugi...
SOCRATES is an international, refereed (peer-reviewed) and indexed scholarly hybrid open-access journal in Public Administration a...
MiniWrites – A hub for your creative projects!
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