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a i ad ah al am an ar as at au ax ba be bi by cm co do ed eg eh el en er et ex fa ft go gu ha he hi ho id if in is it kg km ko ky la lp ma me mi mo mr ms mu my na no nu ny od of oh ok on op or os ow ox pa pc pe pi po pu ra re sa se so to tv uh un up...
Mother Earth Herbal, here are some traditional uses of herbs and trees, including some magical uses. Please consult with an expert before using herbs you are not extremely familiar with internally. Apple – Choice of Beauty, pour libations of cider on...
At last we reach the final chapter in this year's "Notable Films" guide on Dark Horizons. I'm re-tooling the guide next year into something more concise - my guess is a 100 'Most Anticipated' style list. Clocking in at 431 films and 98,170 words, this...
Another first Saturday in May, another blockbuster superhero movie set to bust our collective blocks, another Free Comic Book Day. "What's Free Comic Book Day?" you ask, because you've managed to ignore the gallons of virtual ink I've spilled about...
Last week we announced that John Forrester’s Vogel House is our Romance of the Week and the sponsor of thousands of great bargains in the Romance category: over 200 free titles, over 600 quality 99-centers, and thousands more that you can read...
Just an opinionated geek from the 90's. I tag my long shitposts with ''gif wars'' and anything political/...
Bootcamp-clan.com - bootcamp clan Resources...
bootcamp-clan.com is your first and best source for all of the information you’re looking for. From general topics to more of what...
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