Scottish Liberal Blogspot. Saorsa - Cheartais shòisealta - In-ghabhalacht
Scottish Liberal Blogspot. Saorsa - Cheartais shòisealta - In-ghabhalacht
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Here's how the government, party leaders and leading MPs have reacted to today's Supreme Court verdict giving MPs the power to authorise, or veto, Britain's exit from the EU. The government A spokesperson for the prime minister said in a statement...
With the Labour Party seemingly willing to gift the Tories half a year to do whatever they want with the country, the Liberal Democrats have a shorter path to electing a new leader and getting on with the business of rebuilding. Thursday afternoon saw...
Conservatives take six-point lead in Guardian/ICM poll Labour’s manifesto launch: all the key points in one place IFS says people who vote Labour won’t know what cuts they are voting for Osborne says Labour has no credible economic plan Miliband...
Ukip Ready To Celebrate 'Earthquake' European Election Victory Nigel Farage's Ukip is poised to deliver the "political earthquake" he has promised in British politics as his party looked set to top the European polls. Labour sources conceded that Ukip...
Here is the latest UK Political News from the BBC. Farage ‘frustrated’ over UKIP plan Nigel Farage tells BBC Radio 4’s Today programme he is frustrated he cannot make sweeping changes to the way UKIP makes policy. A strange echo of the 1970s The...
The Wellington St Post - A new kind of news.
The WSP is a common-sense kind of media covering Canadian political blog news. The WSP features the best Conservative, Liberal, ND...
SOCRATES Journal is an international, refereed, and indexed scholarly publication focused on public policy, administration, and ph...
Saorsa - Cheartais shòisealta - In-ghabhalacht
A Scottish Liberal Andrew is a member of the Liberal Democrats, who feels politics is at its best when it empowers and is at its worst when it descends into tribal adversarialism. Thoughts expresse...
A Scottish Liberal: Revisiting my predictions
In January I made predictions for the coming year . Almost five months in, I decided to take a look at them and see how accurate (and other...
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