Sci News. Astronomy, archaeology, paleontology, health, physics, space exploration and other topics.

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News, stories and media buzz related to Sci News

  • Married people are healthier than those who are single, divorced or widowed, research has found. Now a new study provides the first biological evidence to explain how marriage impacts health. A new Carnegie Mellon University study provides the first...

  • New research underscores link between stress hormones and disease TUESDAY, Feb. 14, 2017 (HealthDay News) — A new study finds that married people have less of a stress hormone called cortisol, which may explain why they tend to be healthier than people...

  • The Science of Healing Thoughts
    via alzheimers.mercola

    By Dr. Mercola Can your mind heal your body? It may sound far-fetched that the power of your thoughts and emotions could exert physical, biological changes, but there are countless examples, both scientific and anecdotal, showing this possibility is...

  • Fitting that on Valentine’s day we’re talking about the levels of stress in married couples. Many studies have suggested that married people are healthier than those who are single, divorced, widowed and even cohabiting. Now a new Carnegie Mellon University...

  • Marriage makes you happier
    via mangalorean

    Marriage makes you happier New York, Feb 14 (IANS) Offering couples more reasons to celebrate love on this Valentine’s Day — and beyond, a new study has found that married people face less psychological stress than unmarried individuals. Married individuals...

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