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News, stories and media buzz related to SACK TAP TIMES Blogspot

  • Savage Love: Cock Locked
    via anchoragepress

    Dan Savage Illustration by Sam Trout After spending some years in the doldrums after having kids, my husband and I are now enjoying hot kinky sex and the occasional free pass to fuck other people. We couldn’t be happier. I have a friend who was extremely...

  • Savage Love
    via thestranger

    Cock Locked by Dan Savage After spending some years in the doldrums after having kids, my husband and I are now enjoying hot kinky sex and the occasional free pass to fuck other people. We couldn't be happier. I have a friend who was extremely keen...

  • Hi Dan, I'm a long time reader but first time writer. My girlfriend and I read your column religiously, and I have that in part to thank for being comfortable with telling her about my interest in BDSM. She is very GGG and has been more than happy to...

  • In this instead short information to male chastity I want to deal with some of the most urgent and critical challenges about the way of living from the posture of couples just acquiring commenced with it. The purpose I want to do this now is when I...

  • Male Sex Toys
    via kirpi4ik

    There are many more male sex toys available in the adult market than you would expect. The traditional favourite of men everywhere, the cock ring, is now successfully being rivalled by anal sex toys, anal beads, dildos, anal douches, vibrators, sex dolls...

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Welcome to EFT. Tapping can bring peace & amazing change to intense pain, trauma & loss. EFT rewards you as EFT Practitioners or a...

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