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News, stories and media buzz related to Replacement Light Bulb S

  • New Diverse Applications of LEDs
    via electronicsmaker

    We all are aware of LEDs, as LED lights, it can be for simple Diwali decoration at our homes or commercial lighting of a building for better illumination and great power saving or may be a huge advertisement holding for its non heating  factors...

  • LONDON, July 8, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- This report analyzes the worldwide markets for High Intensity Discharge (HID) Bulbs in US$ Million. The report provides separate comprehensive analytics for the US, Canada, Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Middle East...

  • Scientific Appliances And Their Working Principles Aeroplane: An aeroplane usually consists of the following three parts: (i) Wings, (ii) The engine and the propeller; and (iii) The tail. Working: In order to operate an aeroplane, the propeller is made...

  • Aeroplane: An aeroplane usually consists of the following three parts: (i) Wings, (ii) The engine and the propeller; and (iii) The tail. Working: In order to operate an aeroplane, the propeller is made to revolve at a very high speed with the help of...

  • Middle East and Africa regions was valued for over USD 351 million in 2012 is estimated to exceed USD 420 million by 2023. BRIC countries such as Brazil, Russia, India and China are projected to witness intensifying growth. As these are the developing...

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