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A Family Friendly Guide to World Cup 2014! One day to go! You might not be living in a house full of football fanatics (welcome to my life) but it’s hard not to get swept up in football fever this month. If you have little ones, they will want to...
Choose the best weight loss foods for you in 5 easy steps. Do you find it difficult to choose the best food for weight loss? What Are Good Weight Loss Foods? When choosing the best foods for weight loss it’s easy to forget that you are unique...
A few years ago, while working on branding “The Cakery“, I developed a fascination with food photography. It’s amazing how photographing “yummy” is so difficult, much more difficult than you’d expect. Colors are never...
Summer 2016: Roundup of Free (or Almost Free) Outdoor Activities and Events in Long Beach Long Beach is THE place to be this summer! From movies in the park to an amazing selection of outdoor festivals, there are so many fun things to do this summer...
Checking out the music at last year’s Kingman Island Bluegrass Festival If there’s any complaint about this weekend, it’s that there are so many great events happening, deciding what to do is going to be tough. Just take a look at...
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