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  • Title: Happy Holidays from RSJoomla!Article: Happy Holidays 2013!The entire collective here at RSJoomla! would like to wish you a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and fantastic New Year's Eve party!Created By: silviupLast Modified: 24 Dec 2013 Categories...

  • 2013 - Fresh Starts
    via clickandmake-up.blogspot

    I was very glad to say goodbye to 2012. For those of you who know about astrology, let's just say my Saturn Return was and still is, in full swing. The changes it brings about can be painful (particularly if yours in in Scorpio - yay for me :S), but...

  • Top Merry Christmas Wishes Messages 2016 Hello, guys today we are talking about Upcoming Festival Merry Christmas. It is one of the best most famous festivals which celebrated all around the world with lots of love and happiness. Millions of people...

  • My Account is Suspended in a Bank I Don’t Have?
    via barsetshirediaries.wordpress

    Sunday. 4.18 am of the clock and all is NOT well. Grumpy,Tired and Awake  were always the worst combination of the seven dwarves. It’s the perfect opportunity to do some wrapping but thankfully I realise the noise will wake Mike. And believe...

  • Goodbye 2013 and Hello 2014! 2013 was a monumental year for the book in regards to getting it ready. Looking forward to 2014 when it will be released! Hope everyone has fantastic New Year! May it be filled with never ending Happiness!

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