Publications Nanopore Tech. Discover thousands of examples of nanopore sequencing being used by the scientific community.
Publications Nanopore Tech. Discover thousands of examples of nanopore sequencing being used by the scientific community.
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(Fast Company) – It would raise the stakes even higher, but that didn’t stop Jay Flatley,Illumina’s then chief executive, from sending in vials of his own saliva and blood to the company’s newly opened lab. It was January 2009, and Illumina’s scientists...
A research team from the United States and Canada has developed and successfully tested new computational software that determines whether a human DNA sample includes an epigenetic add-on linked to cancer and other adverse health conditions. In the...
Pesky plants like waterhemp, horseweed, and cheatgrass have made their way into crop and rangeland all around the world. With their fast-growing and prolific presence, weeds often cause crops to grow tall and spindly, leading to poor crop yield. Horseweed...
Market Research Reports and Industry Analysis published “Military Drones Market Shares, Strategies, and Forecasts, Worldwide, 2016 to 2022” market report to its research database which has 172 pages and 207 tables and figures. Key...
How It Works: The Fastest DNA Sequencer DNA sequencing has revolutionized medicine and biomedical research. For example, DNA analysis can tell doctors which drug might work best against a particular cancer. But current technology usually sequences only...
SOCRATES Journal is an international, refereed, and indexed scholarly publication focused on public policy, administration, and ph...
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