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I have been slow to post my schedule for 2016, and now I see that it’s almost upon us. So here are some dates for classes and presentations that I have nailed down thus far. this list is through July, then there will be more later. I have classes at...
Gentle warning: This is a big story about a big nation. My beloved editor, Scott, suggests it can be read as a story and/or used as a living-history resource. Americans are doers. In the United States today, history is an action word. This is, after...
WIAheader.jpg Two full three day passes are included in the raffle prizes this year. Your three-day full conference registration entitles you to a full day of activities on Sunday, September 14, including lunch and behind-the-scenes tours of Old Salem...
Festivals JC Price Post 107 Memorial Week celebration — May 23-31: Dedicated to a memory of Officer Mark Hunter. Rides on a mid by TC Ammusements, raffles, commemorative services, Gospel sings, deejays and dances. 1433 Wilkesboro Road, sum and...
The Massachusetts Family Ideas is being sponsored by @DeanCollege, a great place for learning in Massachusetts. If you like our list, please show your support by following and saying thank you by visiting Dean College. Their generous support allows us...
SOCRATES is an international, refereed (peer-reviewed) and indexed scholarly hybrid open-access journal in Public Administration a...
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