Our Daily Green Life Blogspot. A blog about socially responsible and environmentally friendly green living.
Our Daily Green Life Blogspot. A blog about socially responsible and environmentally friendly green living.
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How Washington D.C. handles its waste. A steady line of steam rises up over the hill just above dozens of brick townhouses and suburban homes. The yards are picturesque, with bright green grass, and some residents enjoy the hot, summer day to walk through...
Seven billion people and growing. A quarter of them living in poverty. Unsustainable — and unequal — resource use. Landscapes vanishing, along with their nonhuman inhabitants. Global warming upending natural systems. These are tough times...
Egypt to issue schedule next month for gradual fuel subsidy cuts CAIRO (Reuters) - Egypt aims next month to issue a schedule of gradual rises in the subsidised prices various industries pay for fuel, to bring them near to world levels in four years...
Created page with "{{CSStub}} The '''Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)''' is one of the most important of the USA regulatory agencies -- along with the '''Food & Drug Administration (FDA)''..." New page {{CSStub}} The '''Environmental Protection...
Click here for reuse options! The decline of the white working class is a key part of the story. Strangers in Their Own Land: Anger and Mourning on the American Right By Arlie Russell Hochschild New Press Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and...
MiniWrites – A hub for your creative projects!
A hub for your creative projects!
Gasification Equipment Supplier | Turning Tires, Plastics...
Klean provides pyrolysis & gasification systems that convert rubber tyres (tires), scrap plastics & municipal solid waste into ele...
A blog about socially responsible and environmentally friendly green living.
Our Daily Green: Cheese, Glorious Cheese!
Over the holiday weekend, as many folks gave thanks over palatial buffets of food, Our Daily Green was able to share some artisan cheese we received from the Affinage Cheese Shop after winning a Twitt...
Our Daily Green: PureWash Pro Laundry System [review]
simple to install, begin using within minutes We were intrigued by the premise that you could clean your clothing without any soap or detergent, but admittedly skeptical. We eagerly set up our pureW...
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