Onlea. Alberta): digital, MOOCs, applications, educational exhibits, AR experiences, and assessments for all platforms

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News, stories and media buzz related to Onlea

  • As developers for tablets and smartphones we like to keep abreast of the latest mobile technology developments . This is a daily digest of mobile development and related technology news gathered from the BBC, the New York Times, New Scientist and the...

  • Those reading this column or any of its annual predecessors (in 2012, 2011, 2010, or 2009) are invited to reflect that the historic challenges facing universities and colleges are less related to technological disruption or market evolution and more...

  • Eighteen students file into a brightly lit classroom. Arrayed around its perimeter are 18 computers. The students take their seats, log in to their machines, and silently begin working. At a desk in the back, the instructor’s screen displays a series...

  • Here are some industry articles that caught our eye recently. Wisconsin Lawmakers Take Aim at Tenure and Shared Governance. “In addition to eliminating tenure from state laws, the legislative committee approved a measure that would allow the university...

  • The annual EDUCAUSE conference is where innovative higher education CIOs go to learn about new industry trends and compare notes on the latest breakthroughs. This year was no exception as 7,300 IT leaders from more than 50 countries gathered in Orlando...

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  • Onlea - A Learning Design & Innovation Company

    Onlea is a Learning & Design Consulting firm helping purpose-driven organizations create advocacy and education programs that drive change. Onlea's Vision: Lead with Learning.

  • Onlea - Team

    Meet the Onlea team - crafting high-quality online learning experiences and educational apps.

  • Onlea - Opportunities

    Do you want to deliver the next generation of learning products to people across the globe? Come teach with us!

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