Music Columbia. Supporting scholarly and scientific inquiry into music at the highest levels of rigor and innovation.

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News, stories and media buzz related to Music Columbia

  • Sound at ASA 2013
    via soundstudiesblog

    Although this year’s American Studies Association conference location is not as warm and sunny as last year’s (can we have all November conferences in warm, sunny places, please?), Washington DC has a lot to offer this year’s conference...

  • Infowars’ Creative Marketing! Vengeancia Happy Valentine’s Day! Here are some thoughts on becoming successful, self-governing and self-sustaining with your music, beginning with an article from Jo-Ná A. Williams, published at Reverb...

  • Here are some select recent clippings showing the variety of hits/mentions identifying musicians and scholars as Eastman School of Music alumni, faculty or students. (Note: Some links may have expired.) Dett finds the roots of an American classical...

  • Bioshock Infinite’s barbershop quartet. Image: Irrational Games Even for your average gamer, the music from classic games like Super Mario Bros. or Halo can trigger nostalgic reveries, conjuring memories of endless hours spent fighting to save...

  • Not every class is going to excite students and get them engaged, but some absolutely will, and these classes may not be as traditional as you would think. I searched high and low and spoke with professors and students on the Texas Tech University campus...

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Home | National Music Museum | Vermillion

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    Columbia University is committed to providing an accessible and welcoming environment for faculty, staff, students, guests, visitors and members of the public. Contact the Office of Disability Service...

  • George E. Lewis - Columbia University Department of Music

    George E. Lewis is the Edwin H. Case Professor of American Music at Columbia University. A Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and a Corresponding Fellow of the British Academy, Lewis’...

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