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News, stories and media buzz related to Mobtalk

  • Daedalus wrote: Daedalus wrote:This topic is also addressed here. sajungzak wrote: That thread has been deleted. Does this link work? It takes me to a page that says, "This topic has been deleted." Here is the entire page copied and pasted: HeroQuest...

  • Since people apparently don't read before clicking "I agree" when they register here, and it's a little cumbersome to call them up later on, I'm posting a copy here of the registration terms and informational text. By accessing “Pale Moon forum” (hereinafter...

  • Production Forums' User Agreement
    via productionforums

    It seems necessary once again to re-post the below for all to re-read and be governed by accordingly: productionforums.com - Registration and Log-In Agreement By accessing “productionforums.com” (hereinafter “we”, “us”, “our”, “productionforums.com...

  • I have been asked where you find the Terms of Use for the forum. They can be read whenever a member logs in and all that is done is to click on the blue text words Terms of Use. Otherwise they all come into view if the word 'register' is clicked. Or...

  • Today we have a new clip for the latest DC Animated Offering, ‘Justice League: Gods and Monsters‘. In this one The Man of Steel himself faces off against the legendary villain ‘Brainiac‘. Check out the clip below, and share your thoughts after the JUMP...

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