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News, stories and media buzz related to Miedoenlapenumbra Blogspot

  • Energetic Anatomy: A Complete Guide to the Human Energy Fields and Etheric Bodies BY CYNDI DALE the human energy field is an aura of etheric energy that surrounds and overlays our physical selves and interacts with our mind body and spirit. photo...

  • The Polarian Network True Earth Associations   The Goal of Our Work  If you haven’t already: Read the previous article and the Cosmic Path of Sirius and the Introduction. As you know I have agreed to take up the responsibility to...

  • The Human Aura is a combination of many things, There is a general understanding of the 7 layers of the aura, but there are more and actually the layers kinda mingle and works together and it is not as clear cut as books say, like the modle of the electron...

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