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Introduction The announcement of the BlackBerry 9720 was not met with widespread excitement, largely because it is running the older BlackBerry 7 operating system and not BlackBerry 10. The company has repeatedly pointed out that there’s life...
Best Android apps – introduction The Google Play store has exploded in recent years, with a proliferation of apps that can cater to your every need. The problem is: there are just too many of them, even with Editor’s Picks, Featured and Best Selling...
by Quinn Norton, Special to ProPublica This is part two of a two-part series. Here’s part one: Worried about the Mass Surveillance? How to Practice Safer Communication. "Encryption works." --Edward Snowden What makes choosing good security tools hard...
The best small business software empowers you to run your business smoothly and efficiently. It takes the headache out of everything from organizing your projects and meetings to time management, so you never fall behind. When you stay on top of your...
In all fairness, startups have a lot on its plates. From raising capital to product development to marketing and public relations to just plain keeping sane, startups are typically very busy places. So while your startup may be struggling to balance...
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SOCRATES is an international, refereed (peer-reviewed) and indexed scholarly hybrid open-access journal in Public Administration a...
Compliant Social Media - Messaging News
For heavily regulated industries, such as financial services, social media is an attractive communications tool, but it needs to be managed carefully. Accordin…
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