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Did you enjoy Faster Than Light? Did you enjoy Freelancer? Do you like procedural generation, roguelikes and high difficulty curves? Then you’ll enjoy Everspace. The first thing to know about Everspace is that it’s an early access game; hence the first...
I've been continuing my work on the Rig project I introduced back in September, as well as helping add Wayland support to GnomeShell, and was feeling bad that I haven't made time to post about the progress of either project and so wanted to give...
Try to keep it on the down-low (don’t actually, that certainly won’t help the developers) but Secret Ponchos has arrived on Steam Early Access. Its a multiplayer game set in a Spaghetti Western world, where various gunslingers battle it out to see who...
Here's a quick status update! Erin has finished over half the tunes today and will continue to through the week. Thanks again to everyone that has donated, you've made this possible so far and it means the most!!! Here's a quick status update! Erin...
ARK: Survival Evolved, a first-person survival action game that has already made a splash through Steam's Early Access program on PC, is destined to get a little early access love on Xbox One on December 16. As reported by IGN, ARK: Survival Evolved...
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