Lisajordanpuddin Blogspot. My Favorite Quote: "It takes a village to keep a special needs parent from jumping off the roof." -Christine Moers
Lisajordanpuddin Blogspot. My Favorite Quote: "It takes a village to keep a special needs parent from jumping off the roof." -Christine Moers
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By-Dean Burnett The human memory system is a fascinating one, and is often the subject of science fiction scenarios. But the workings of human memory are such that it can often be stranger than fiction. Simple tests cannot convey the complexity...
I love to study neuropsychological treatments for trauma, and the importance of emotional integration in the therapeutic process. I am a big fan of the neuropsychologist Dr. Dan Siegel and Brain-Wise therapist, Dr. Bonnie Badenoch, from which I obtained...
What eLearning Professionals Should Know About Long-Term Memory The long-term memory of your learners is your final destination when you are designing and developing an eLearning experience. As its name suggests, long-term memory, unlike short-term...
Trauma is a complex phenomenon. It’s a challenge to understand and a challenge to diagnose. Trauma is not just the effects of going to war or getting abused as a child. Trauma can happen to anyone. Trauma is not necessarily about any specific event....
With more attention than ever before on sports and athletic performance, I find myself intrigued by why some athletes are able to consistently perform extraordinarily well under high-pressure while others don’t. Is it just because they’re more skilled...
SOCRATES Journal is an international, refereed, and indexed scholarly publication focused on public policy, administration, and ph...
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My Favorite Quote: "It takes a village to keep a special needs parent from jumping off the roof." -Christine Moers
Life in the Grateful House: Things I Love...
After emailing with friend of mine that also happens to be an amazing RAD mom (she's not a blogger, yet, or I would totally hook you up wit...
Life in the Grateful House: I Hate Myself
No, not really. Well actually, some days I do. I feel like I can't do enough, or help enough or just be enough. I try really hard but...
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