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“Get used to it,” Donald Trump’s counselor Kellyanne Conway tweeted in the middle of the chaos created by a selective immigration ban signed by President Donald Trump late last week. “POTUS is a man of action,” she continued, “Promises made, promises...
I lived through the eight miserable years of Obamunist tyranny. I lived through the eight years where a party that calls itself “Democratic” demonstrated again and again that it had NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with “democracy.” I lived through the mainstream...
WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. intelligence agencies and Congress will continue to investigate Russia’s involvement in the 2016 presidential election, even after President Donald Trump fired his national security adviser for providing inaccurate accounts of...
Embattled National Security Adviser Michael Flynn called Vice President Mike Pence Friday to apologize for misleading him about a conversation with the Russian ambassador to the United States, according to a senior White House official. Further details...
Follow CBSMIAMI.COM: Facebook | Twitter WASHINGTON (AP) — The Senate on Monday confirmed President Donald Trump’s nominee to run the CIA despite some Democratic objections that Rep. Mike Pompeo has been less than transparent about his positions on torture...
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Earlier today on Twitter, the Clinton campaign dropped this bomb on the head of one Donald J. Trump: The video—which successfully ties Donald Trump in with the KKK, based on the fact that lots of whit...
Actor, Don Cheadle, has joined in on the Trump bashing after the Republican presidential nominee exploited the murder of a young mother of four small children, who was shot in Chicago on Friday while ...
This might be a tough one for liberals who love their media sources. Stephen Colbert had Anderson Cooper on as a guest on his show last night. And he called him out big time on CNN hiring Trump’s form...
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