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When I took up skateboarding about three summers back, I was aware I was part of a new wave of girls that were jumping on board. I’d always wanted to skate but I’d never actually done it until one day, six months or so after I’d had ACL reconstruction...
From Les Paul to Paul Gilbert, Johnny Winter to Johnny Hiland, and Paco De Lucia to Al Di Meola, fleet-fingered guitarists have made their mark in every genre throughout the modern history of the guitar. Guitar World exceeds the legal limit with this...
May 22 In History 124 BCE : Simon the Hasmonean, drove the “Greeks” – the Syrians and their Hellenized Jewish allies – out of the citadel which was their last stronghold in Jerusalem. While Jews celebrate Chanukah, it is this victory, 40 years later...
1188 Birth of Ferrand of Portugal earl of Flanders/son of Sancho I. 1241 Kaidu’s Mongol army enters abandoned Cracow in Poland, burning the city. 1284 Death of King Hugh III of Cyprus 1361 Death of Henry of Grosmont, 1st Duke of Lancaster...
It’s ironic that an industry built on the idea that it can cut through the clutter of traditional marketing is becoming a pretty cluttered space in its own right. But that’s what happens when you become successful—everybody wants a...
MiniWrites – A hub for your creative projects!
A hub for your creative projects!
Monster Music & Movies, your source for new & used vinyl records, CDs & DVDs. We buy record collections! Located in the West Ashle...
Cut & Polish | The Blue Nile Blog
Blue Nile's blog, Cut & Polish, is your destination for jewelry trends, tips on gemstone and diamond buying, wedding & engage...
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