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News, stories and media buzz related to Khabarafghan

  • Okay, so first off, a back story. I come from a Windows environment, and I wanted to make Ubuntu my main dev'ment env. I started off by insalling the Lamp stack and all was okay, except when I reached MySQL. I think I missed something in the installation...

  • yeah , big buzz around that one :) So I decided to check the install process: 1. Clone the repo from 2. Update the CentOs install just in case before to play with it: 3. Compile it : Note : The final part of the prompt here...

  • OpenProject installation fails in RHEL 6.7 Error: Error running /opt/openproject/mysql/scripts/ /opt/openproject/mysql ****: 160202 9:22:42 [Note] /opt/openproject/mysql/bin/mysqld.bin (mysqld 5.5.47) starting as process 3489 ... 160202 ...

  • zentrap not starting
    via community.zenoss

    Exception: Could not publish message. Connection may be down 2012-10-17 09:51:52,584 INFO zen.ZenHub: Worker (5192) reports 2012-10-17 09:51:52,583 INFO zen.zenoss.protocols.amqp: amqp connection was closed [Errno 111] Connection refused 2012-10-1...

  • When upgrade Percona Server 5.6.25-73.1-1.trusty , I got these error messages on apt process: : on the /var/log/syslog: : Yes, I have add another configuration because I want to put the data on other partition. The additional config on /etc/mysql...

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