I SCOOP. People, processes and purpose where the lines between digital and physical blur with a human perspective. Publications, educational...
I SCOOP. People, processes and purpose where the lines between digital and physical blur with a human perspective. Publications, educational...
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Everybody loves to hate buzzwords, but those of us who work in digital need to tolerate the birth of new phrases to describe new things. I’m not talking about horrific PR terminology like ‘leverage’ and ‘synergy’ and &lsquo...
We just wrapped up the first ever MarTech Europe conference, and my head is still spinning from everything that was packed into those two days. But I’m eager to share some of the key takeaways I had from the event with you, while they’re fresh in my...
My friend and colleague, the always opinionated Peter Rogers, shares his latest research on The Internet of Things and the technology and platforms that are used to support it. There seems to be two main groups of thought as to when wearable technology...
Hubris Drives Most Tech Firm Failures After observing the technology industry for two decades, one can’t help but identify a recurring theme – the beginning of the end of a technology vendor. While most firms do not endure a mass failure and come...
Ronald van Loon The field of data science is one of the youngest and most exciting fields in the technology sector. In no other industry or field can you combine statistics, data analysis, research, and marketing to do jobs that help businesses make...
SOCRATES Journal is an international, refereed, and indexed scholarly publication focused on public policy, administration, and ph...
MiniWrites – A hub for your creative projects!
A hub for your creative projects!
IMSource Academy | IMSource Academy
The Easiest Way For A Complete Beginner To Make Their First $1000 In Passive Income Online
Artificial intelligence and cognitive computing: AI business guide
Artificial intelligence (AI) and cognitive systems/computing: evolutions, differences, applications and business context.
i-SCOOP | Digital business and transformation hub
Digital strategy in a holistic context - people, processes and purpose where the lines between digital and physical blur with a human perspective. Publications, educational resources, events, services...
Digitization, digitalization, digital and transformation: the differences
Digitization, digitalization, digital transformation, digital business and digital disruption: do you know the differences? Here they are.
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