Housing Wire. Outgoing Las Vegas Realtors President Merri Perry and the president-elect who was scheduled to take her position — Joshua Campa — resigned...


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News, stories and media buzz related to Housing Wire

  • What a disruptive year 2016 was for the mortgage lending industry. During the first half of the year, most lenders were still dealing with the aftermath of implementing the TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosures (TRID) rule, with all its complexity and brutal...

  • CFPB v. PHH, explained
    via texas.wfgnationaltitle

    The legal battle between the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and New Jersey-based mortgage lender PHH Corp., is one of the most watched cases in the mortgage and real estate industries, and for good reason: It involves a huge enforcement...

  • GOOD NEWS! Three recent reports tell us that lending standards are easing, which is promising for first-time buyers and current homeowners who’d like to move or buy a vacation or retirement home. Here’s what they say: The Mortgage Bankers’ Association...

  • Earlier this week, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) fined real estate brokers and lenders $4 million. Today, the future of the agency is up in the air, with President Trump taking a step towards rolling back the 2010 Dodd-Frank Wall Street...

  • Mike Klemens, 81 years old, is a bridge player, real-estate investor and part of a new generation of private lenders helping reshape the American home-mortgage market. From his ranch-style house in the hills above the San Fernando Valley, he services...

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