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News, stories and media buzz related to Hardware Heaven

  • ASUS Announces M70 PC – the World’s First NFC-enabled Desktop High performance PC features 4th generation Intel Core processor, one-tap device pairing NFC technology and SonicMaster Audio   2013/09/12 – ASUS today announced...

  • PIONEER CDJ-2000nexus Professional Multi Player OPEN BOX   Enjoy OPEN BOX savings on the CDJ-2000nexus!   Industry’s First DJ Player with Wireless Source Capability The CDJ-2000nexus can utilize different music sources, from a hard...

  • Asus today announced the M70 Desktop PC with the latest 4th generation Intel Core processor for improved performance and graphics for the most demanding of tasks, and Near Field Communication (NFC) technology for wireless pairing with Android-based devices...

  • United States of America; 16/01/2014: Established in 2009, Westing Technology Company Limited is a renowned company, dealing in video game accessories and repair parts. Its products are basically for Sony PlayStation, Microsoft Xbox 3...

  • Helping OC my old E7200 :D
    via forums.tweaktown

    I was found this template from the other forum section but doesn't know if its correct to post here. Here is my settings. I hope can pump up until 3.8Ghz but seems my RAM is not the same frequency. I hope there is a solution and i cant up after 3.1...

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