God S Hammer Word Press. The Bible Alone is the Word of God
God S Hammer Word Press. The Bible Alone is the Word of God
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Photography by: Stephen Voss Slide show will begin shortly. In his new book “Tangible” (NavPress, 2013), PCA pastor Chris Sicks talks about two kinds of people in the church today: “Deed” people, he says, get their hands dirty...
http://ronwheelerjr.wordpress.com/2014/08/07/i-am-not-anonymous-2/ Full text, plus or minus a few hard returns. Dear Mark Driscoll: You were once one of my closest friends. You were once my trusted mentor and benefactor. You were once someone who preached...
Dear Tim, I agree with the warning, and appreciate it, but do they actually use numerology to challenge established doctrine? I'm not disputing it, but I've read a lot of Leithart and Jordan over the years and I'm not recalling a specific instance....
Training officers (i.e. elders and deacons) is one of the most important things that pastors can do for the well-being of the local church. Keeping up healthy personal and spiritual relationships between officers is an equally important–yet often neglected...
Before getting into the way the FV won the PCA, it is necessary to state why I believe the FV has won the PCA, because that is, of course, a controversial claim. The reason I say that the FV has won the PCA is that the PCA is now a FV-friendly denomination...
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God's Hammer | The Bible Alone is the Word of God
The Bible Alone is the Word of God
Luther rightly maintained that justification by faith alone is the linchpin upon which the church stands or falls. If this doctrine is lost or even muddied, the semblance of religion remains, but the...
Augustine on Saving Faith | God's Hammer
In What is Saving Faith, Gordon Clark defines faith as assent to an understood proposition and saving faith as assent to the understood propositions of the gospel. For Clark, what differentiates ordin...
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