Ginamarierose. Learning how to survive the rest of her 20's and prepare for her 30's

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News, stories and media buzz related to Ginamarierose

  • Here’s how my husband, Ryan, summed up the birth of our second child. “Wow. We made that look routine.” My water broke on an evening where we were both well-rested and well-fed. We had no loose ends at work and it was perfect timing...

  • So, this is a two part blog, covering two different topics. For they are different! This blog will be about how that whole well thought out, “bipolar birth plan” worked out. And the second will be about new parenthood in general and the feeling of your...

  • So, your wife is pregnant! (I’ll just refer to her as your wife, because that is simpler for me – feel free to substitute whatever title you want). As a husband and now father of two kids I’ve learned a few things. During Katie’s second pregnancy,...

  • Now entering my 8th month of pregnancy!!! AHHHHHH!!!! Don't forget to enter in the BABY POOL! Start making those guesses and predictions :) Baby Growth: This week Leo is roughly 3.75 bs (size of a jimaca?) and is about 16. 7 inches long. I...

  • “My husband was holding my hands and trying to calm me down, rubbing my hair, as I started pushing. Her head came out with the ring of fire, which burned badly but was nothing in comparison to the release of pressure on my spine, and I was still in such...

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