Dry Bones Blog Spot. which has been growing and spreading while "we" were not looking. That bubble has finally burst and our Prime Minister has promised...


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News, stories and media buzz related to Dry Bones Blog Spot

  • From Ian: NGO Monitor: UN Agency Regularly Manipulates Data To Make Israel Look Bad NGO Monitor on Thursday released a report highly critical of a UN agency deemed so biased in Jerusalem that the Foreign Ministry, according to diplomatic sources, stopped...

  • If you are a Lost Jew or from the Lost of Israel and suffer already many years for not being accepted……. Why not joining Beit Ya’aqob International? If you like the do Teshuvah in Messiah Ben Yoseph with His Divine Mandate you are most welcome to join...

  • An Era of Change
    via oyiabrown

    Yes, we’re moving through another era of change! As Jews, we’ve been thru so many dangerous eras of change, but we have our instructional manual for Jewish continuity. It’s called the Passover Haggadah. The classic Hardcover Dry Bones Haggadah is now...

  • Violence / Detentions — West Bank / Jerusalem 1 Palestinian, 1 Israeli killed, another wounded in Hebron-area settlement after attack BETHLEHEM (Ma‘an) 30 June — A Palestinian was killed on Thursday morning in an Israeli settlement in the southern...

  • This week’s Jewish News featured an article – Music Bridges Faith Traditions – about a Sacred Music Concert held at Temple Beth Israel (TBI), “bringing together performers and communities from Melbourne’s Jewish, Muslim, Christian and Indigenous traditions...

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