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  • P90X 13 DVD EXTREME HOME FITNESS PROGRAM + Pull Up Chin Up Bar + 11 Piece Resistance Band Set + Push-Up Bars + Heart Rate Monitor + Negative Ion Sports Watch + Fat Tester Please read the complete description before buying the item, so you know exactly...

  • Yes4All Doorway Chin Up Bar Features of Doorway Chin Up Bar Bar: perfect for door from 24 - 34" opening. Easy to assemble: include screw-in brackets for safe, secure mounting. Heavy-duty steel pull up bar, soft yet durable, tear-resistant foam for...

  • Strengthen your core to support your body for everyday living. Strong core muscles are the basis for efficient everyday movements. Your abdominals are just one of the muscle groups that make up your core, but are important for overall back and body support...

  • Tone while watching tv, tone while reading & even while checking emails! Pilates ring will strengthen and tone your body in only a few minutes each day. Check our reviews to choose the best for your home. 1) Nayoya’s Fitness Ring You may be sure...

  • [Sponsored post] Hello lovelies!!! I was invited to the official opening of Metro Centrepoint late November last year! Big crowd all cheering for the opening of Metro Centrepoint :D Finally, it was time to roam around Metro Centrepoint on ourselves...

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