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Enter the 2016 NAIAS CES 2016 was just last week, with plenty of automotive-related announcements, namely the 2017 Chevrolet Bolt. But the auto industry never rests, heading straight to Detroit for the 2016 North American International Auto Show (NAIAS...
The introduction of an all-new car typically elicits a reasonable degree of praise from the press. Even if reviews aren’t completely glowing, writers usually try to serve up at least a small dose of compliments, simply to keep advertisers happy if nothing...
Those of you who follow our 24 Hours of LeMons coverage should be familiar with the harrowing, yearlong tale of the worst car in LeMons racing history (and, perhaps, in human history). Short version, this 1986 Plymouth Reliant-K station wagon crisscrossed...
All the cars confirmed as included in the forthcoming Gran Turismo 6. Already confirmed is that the existing list of cars from Gran Turismo 5 will be included. But alongside the current historic, road and rally cars will be some new additions to bring...
It’s a great time to be in the market for a new truck, crossover, or van—but with so many choices, where do you start? Right here. The Ultimate 2016 New Truck, SUV, and Van Buyer’s Guide is a great way to get a basic feel for what’s new on everything...
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Classifieds in Youngstown, OH: Triumph 4 Post Auto Lift, Labradoodle puppy 8 weeks male in Sharon, Labradoodle puppy 8 weeks in Sh...
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