Disasterfilm Blogspot. A field full of animals, an allotment, and Auntie Gladys' scones.


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News, stories and media buzz related to Disasterfilm Blogspot

  • For babies born ill or early, the first few weeks in intensive care can be gruelling. How do they (and their parents) get through it? We follow one baby born with a serious heart defect Exposed to the air by the surgeon's knife, a baby's heart, the...

  • Is it really true, as has been previously argued on The Conversation, that supermarket “ugly food” campaigns don’t actually reduce food waste? That argument says that selling less-than-perfect produce at cheaper prices encourages consumers to continue...

  • November 2016
    via palliumindia

    Dear Friends, Singing to ease pain What a great musical extravaganza! As a celebrated music composer and director, M. Jayachandran is not unknown to anyone in Kerala. For the third time in recent years, he conducted a musical show as a fund raiser...

  • David Sunfellow's discussion was featured Dr. Penny Sartori's New Book: 'The Wisdom of Near-Death Experiences' Daily Mail January 2014 Series(Excerpts from Dr. Penny Sartori's new book, Wisdom of Near Death Experiences: How Understanding NDEs...

  • Going to nursing school is only the first step in your nursing career. If you want to go beyond your basic RN or LPN degree, there are many nursing specialties to choose from.  If you’re considering additional training, choosing the right nursing specialty...

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Disasterfilm.blogspot.com popular pages

  • Going Gently

    Now my life revolves around a pack of dogs, a field full of animals , an allotment , and Auntie Gladys' scones.........

  • Going Gently: Bank Holiday

    Thank God, the Welsh only have hang ups about sex and chapel! We are sitting on the beach again happily enjoying the sight of a dozen or so Muslim ladies in Burkinis having a bit of a surf. It's a v...

  • Going Gently: Regret

    I only "planned" one of my four. The rest were surprises. The one I planned (or "consciously conceived" in hippie-speak) was the most difficult pregnancy and child of all. When I got pregnant accident...

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