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Maybe Americans love of extreme couponing has something to do with their Puritan roots. While the word “frugal” probably wasn’t tossed around when the early settlers set up shop on American shores, making the food stretch and getting...
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Welcome to My Personal Finance Journey! If you are new here, please read the "About" or "First-Time Visitor" pages to find out more...
This post is by Lindsay Sakraida and Louis Ramirez of While it’s officially been spring for some time now, it seems safe to say that with the month of May comes definitive spring weather. And as the temperatures heat...
Does it feel like no matter what you do, you don’t have much money left over at the end of the month? We’ve got ideas on how you can actually save money. If you're saving up for a vacation, trying to build up wealth or somehow trying to get one of those...
Apparel and fashion eCommerce is prolific, to say the least. In 2015 alone, apparel, footwear and fashion accessories accounted for roughly ~$59B in eCommerce revenue! It’s safe to say that people prefer the convenience of shopping for apparel online...
I Heart Sweet Discounts Extreme Couponing is a money-saving website that teaches extreme couponing strategies to help others becom...
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