Cinema Escapist. Explore and connect the world through a cinematic lens
Cinema Escapist. Explore and connect the world through a cinematic lens
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When Amitav Ghosh's PR team asked the Guardian newspaper in the UK to publish an excerpt on literary matters from his new essay collection titled THE GREAT DERANGEMENT, the PR people and the publishers (University of Chicago Press) probably thought this...
Visual Arts Highlights It is a risk and struggle to create while reaching back to my whole lifetime – what it means to grow up in the city where one lives with all the dead bodies that lay below one’s feet” – so writes Hiroshima-born Japanese visual...
Seattle weekend events that won't cost more than $10. by Stranger Things To Do Staff If you've been putting off making plans for the weekend and are in need of some cheap, last-minute entertainment, we've got you covered. Here are all of the options...
Tough snowman Marshmallow is among the cast of characters in Disney's new animated musical, Frozen, out Wed/27. PHOTO COURTESY OF DISNEY Film listings are edited by Cheryl Eddy. Reviewers are Kimberly Chun, Dennis Harvey, Lynn Rapoport, Sam Stander...
Photo by Mike Maguire | CC BY 2.0 “The view that Syria is under attack because it isn’t a western puppet state, and that Washington wants Assad to step down to make it one, cannot be so easily dismissed. There’s plenty of evidence that states that seek...
SOCRATES Journal is an international, refereed, and indexed scholarly publication focused on public policy, administration, and ph...
Cinema Escapist | Explore and connect the world through a cinematic lens
Explore and connect the world through a cinematic lens
Review: Yamato (Japan, 2005) | Cinema Escapist
Commissioned a week after Pearl Harbor in 1941, the battleship Yamato is a fitting metaphor for the rise and fall of the Japanese Empire during World War II. Reflective of Japan’s ambitions, she and h...
Review: Northern Limit Line (South Korea, 2015) | Cinema Escapist
Released last week in the US, Northern Limit Line is a based on a fascinating real-life battle between South and North Korean patrol boats.
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