Changeinadvance. Entrepreneurial savvy and Motivation
Changeinadvance. Entrepreneurial savvy and Motivation
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A decade ago, the role of a social media manager might not have even existed. Today, however, almost every company is involved in social media one way or another. A quick look at Google Trends shows the rise in interest in the term “social media manager...
A CYNOPSIS MESSAGE FROM UNIVISION WHERE WERE YOU THE DAY THE SPORTS WORLD CHANGED? WE WERE BUSY MAKING HISTORY. In June, Univision Deportes Network beat every other sports cable network in the country. Source: Nielsen, NPM, NPM-H, 5/30/16-6/26/16...
Building a marketing app is more than just creating yet one more dashboard that monitors social media sentiment or visits to your blog site. There are plenty of apps, including marketing apps, that do the same thing as everyone else. We need apps that...
Many entrepreneurs get started by trying to solve a personal problem they have in a market that doesn't offer a good solution. But some, after becoming business owners, realize a whole new set of problems (read: opportunities) just begging for someone...
When Fiona Lewis’ husband was involved in a serious accident just after she gave birth to their third child, they found themselves in a vulnerable family situation. However, starting online marketing consulting business Mumpreneurs Online saw her replaced...
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SOCRATES Journal is an international, refereed, and indexed scholarly publication focused on public policy, administration, and ph...
Posts about Cash written by changeinadvance
Changeinadvance | Entrepreneurial savvy and Motivation
Entrepreneurial savvy and Motivation
January | 2015 | Changeinadvance
1 post published by changeinadvance during January 2015
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