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News, stories and media buzz related to Brunswick Polaris Library

  • I’ve “known about” SEMRush for a long time. I’d heard people mention it and had seen the site, but I’d never really used it until my partner in PushFire signed up for it. He loved the service – and since we were paying...

  • How do you arrive at new content ideas for your blog or website? There’s a finite amount of time, but unlimited subject matter. In your vertical alone, you compete with thousands of other bloggers, who, like you, are creating new content ideas every...

  • Google (and most other search engines) have special operators and search url suffixes that many internet users are unaware of. Here is a fresh list for your searching pleasure. intitle: Restricts the search to the titles of the web pages, for example...

  • iPhone 5: 30 Tips and Tricks
    via knowyourcell

    Tips and tricks to get the most out of your iPhone 5 The iPhone 5 is just as intuitive as every iPhone that came before it, but we offer some tips and tricks to help you get the most out of the device. Whether you're a first time iPhone user or a seasoned...

  • The power of search engine keywords is waning. Since the introduction of semantic search with Google’s hummingbird search rewrite, they no longer have a decisive influence in search ranking. At best, they are simply one of dozens of factors involved...

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  • Browse the Catalog

    Browse the Catalog When you browse the library catalog, you can type just the first few letters or numbers of your search term—an author’s name, a subject, a series name, a title, or a call number. Th...

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