Brownfieldbiodiesel. Texas for on-road use We can deliver to your location if preferred.

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  • PRELIMINARY NOTE BY AUTHOR: The introduction of Austerity Measures by the Federal Government did not surprise me. On 30th January, 2008, I predicted the slackening demand for our oil, slowly at first, by 2012 and therafter, precipitously in a paper...

  • Ford’s Hemp powered Hemp made Car “Each acre of hemp could yield about 1000 gallons” “30 Barrels of (Hemp) Oil Per Acre” “Enough energy could be produced on 6% of the land in the U.S. to provide enough energy for...

  • Clean Coal Technology: CENFuel How the Oligarchs Caused my Bankruptcy for Supporting the incredible Turner-Lloyd Process That Creates Clean Coal and Turns Coal Toxins into Enormous Profits Energy is a critical component of industrial progress for...

  • THE WORLD FOOD CRISIS The World Food Program’s description of the global food crisis raises the specter of a natural disaster surging over an unaware populace that is helpless in the face of massive destruction. With billions of people at risk of hunger...

  • Indonesia is reorienting appetite prolongation from apportionment essentially trade markets to assembly a flourishing domestic consumption. Indonesia’s appetite courtesy has faced hurdles in new years from regulatory doubt and unsound investment. Indonesia...

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  • Brownfield Biodiesel, LLC. - CONTACT US

    Purchase biodiesel in Ralls, Texas for on-road use. We can deliver to your location if preferred.

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