Brotherryan. Historical research, social and political commentary from a perspective conscious of the role of race in society...
Brotherryan. Historical research, social and political commentary from a perspective conscious of the role of race in society...
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…..Brit-Jew Empire genocides Bengal A comrade in Australia wrote me: May I suggest the subject of Churchill and the Bengal famine as an article for your blog? Because of censorship...
Fascism is defined as “a political system headed by a dictator, in which the government controls business, and labor and opposition is not permitted.” Many people confuse fascism with communism, as both are well-known systems under which the government...
by Diane Rufino Nullification is the theory that says that actions of the federal government that are passed, imposed, or exercised in excess or abuse of the express authority granted in the Constitution are not enforceable. If there is no proper foundation...
IN THIS ISSUE: Our Choices Create our Future — Betty Miller Covenant — Taking Possession of Covenant Blessings — R.S. “Bud” Miller Spiritual Warfare — Angelic Domains — Fallen Angels and Good Angels Exposing Satan’s Devices — Prayer Overcomes End Times...
Heavily armed SWAT teams are increasingly used for such small tasks as raiding poker games and trying to stop underage drinking. How did we get here? Excerpted from "Rise of the Warrior Cop: The Militarization of America's Police Forces...
MiniWrites – A hub for your creative projects!
A hub for your creative projects!
SOCRATES Journal is an international, refereed, and indexed scholarly publication focused on public policy, administration, and ph...
Archive of government documents and public information regarding national security, finance, international relations, government s... | Christianity for the Thinking Man
Biblical exegesis, historical research, social and political commentary from a perspective conscious of the role of race in society and civilization.
What is a "Survivalist"? |
If a economic crash happens, the worth of the dollar won't be the only thing going down. Civil order, grocery store supply lines and even utilities will go down with it. We have all seen the Hollywood...
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