BrainHQ. Focus better, and remember more with BrainHQ—Improve your brain health with clinically proven brain training exercises.

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News, stories and media buzz related to BrainHQ

  • SAN FRANCISCO, June 02, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters announced the award of the 2016 Kavli Prize in Neuroscience to Dr. Michael Merzenich for his work in discovering adult brain plasticity and applying its principles...

  • Posit Science today announced the launch of BrainHQ, its next-generation computerized brain fitness training system. Designed to improve the cognitive performance of virtually everyone who uses it, BrainHQ brings proven brain exercises into an online...

  • Did you know there are lots of fun things to do on BrainHQ for free? Here are 10 great ones to try! Try a new exercise Have you tried all the BrainHQ exercises available to you? You can see the full list of exercises by scrolling to the bottom of the...

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