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News, stories and media buzz related to Beesbuzz

  • Go to Source Frank Lloyd Wright was a century ahead of his time. He was a pioneer, an avant-garde architect who broke free of the traditions of his era. His views on materials, form, function, space and environment define his iconic works. These ideals...

  • I will take over the editorial role for www.winol.co.uk as my summer project. This project offers both advantages and challenges. The benefit of taking over this project is obviously the vast material already on the site. The challenge is cleaning up...

  • The trend of web designs is a continuous process with the occurrences of the final revolution among. Nowadays the web sites being changed into a Flat design. The importance of Flat designs is the simpleness of designs and typography. The entire visual...

  • GoodInc Responsive Blogging WordPress Theme Your blog should standout as much as you do, and that’s why we created GoodInc. This modern and unique responsive blogging theme is truly one of a kind. From the stunning homepage slider and carousel...

  • Web design is very dynamic. You can always see the web design landscape re-constructed with the emergence of new technologies, techniques, trends, and styles. Now, the landscape is changing once more with the use of the new design framework called cards...

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  • 20 years

    Domain age

  • 00:01:54

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  • 510

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