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News, stories and media buzz related to Bakoma Tex

  • How to practice LaTeX?
    via tex.stackexchange

    With many programming languages, you have the opportunity of practicing the language by doing problems or developing programs that will do certain things. With LaTeX, however, you can't exactly do that because it is a typesetting language and therefore...

  • 365, 181-194
    via skullsnkisses.blogspot

    So I'm a little bit behind on these posts! Two weeks behind to be exact so this is a bit of a longer post than normal but still. The past two weeks have been fairly busy ones, I've been doing so much uni work and catching up on sleep. I have done a few...

  • I have seen variations on this question on stackoverflow, but never a definitive answer as most of them just tell people to change the workflow. Yes, I know how SVN works and how to ignore files on a commit, but is there any way to actually ignore conflicts...

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