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Listen to Playbook in 90 Seconds http://bit.ly/2mhKhvL ... Subscribe on iTunes http://apple.co/2eX6Eay ... Visit the online home of Playbook http://politi.co/2f51Jnf QUICK THOUGHT -- If it’s possible for President Donald Trump to have a drama-free week...
From Ian: The hateful whispers that make me want to move from London to Tel Aviv There’s a train of thought among right-thinking people in London at the moment that Israel is culpable; that it is responsible for all the ills of the Palestinians, all...
Two extreme, very polarized paradigms have emerged as President Donald Trump takes command of the White House. After the shattered hopes and fraud perpetrated by America’s first black hope-exploiting president, Trump supporters naively believe they’ve...
WASHINGTON >> There was President Donald Trump, in the middle of his Mar-a-Lago resort, conferring with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on decisions with national security implications over iceberg wedge salads. The club members snapped photos...
President Donald Trump was photographed on Saturday night at his private club, Mar-a-Lago, as he reviewed intelligence reports on a North Korean missile launch with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe at an outdoor patio table. Richard DeAgazio, a relatively...
MiniWrites – A hub for your creative projects!
A hub for your creative projects!
SOCRATES is an international, refereed (peer-reviewed) and indexed scholarly hybrid open-access journal in Public Administration a...
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