Astute Graphics. Innovative and time saving design tools for Adobe Illustrator. Explore vector halftones, live stippling, point removal to reduce file...
Astute Graphics. Innovative and time saving design tools for Adobe Illustrator. Explore vector halftones, live stippling, point removal to reduce file...
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Astute Graphics Plug-ins Bundle 1.1.6 for Adobe Illustrator + Pro Texture Packs Win “Lets me do my work so much faster” or “I’ve earned back the plug-in in one day!” Save time in your daily workflow, make your job simpler with less frustration.Suitable...
It’s the apps that really set iOS apart from other platforms – there are higher quality apps available on the App Store for the iPad than any other tablet. So which ones are worth your cash? And which are the best free apps? Luckily for you we’ve tested...
Updated 22/01/2017! Over the years, I have come to consider myself as a little bit of a technology nerd. Perhaps it’s because I tend to spend many hours each day in front of a monitor, which by habit causes me to accumulate a lot of knowledge on this...
Source: CBR Online We all know Adobe, from Adobe also we know that they have something called the creative suite. It is a collection of Adobe’s wonderful services and apps including the iconic Photoshop. Something that is popular with videographers...
Did you make it to MAX this year? Adobe’s Creativity Conference smashed all records with 7,000 attendees coming together in Los Angeles earlier this month, up from 5,000 just a couple years ago… And that was despite an increase in the cost of a full...
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Creative plugins for Adobe Illustrator | Astute Graphics
Unlock your creative potential with Astute Graphics: Innovative and time saving design tools for Adobe Illustrator. Explore vector halftones, live stippling, point removal to reduce file size and hund...
Adobe Illustrator Plugin WidthScribe from Astute Graphics
Variable stroke width effects with WidthScribe. Variable width strokes for vector strokes, Easy to use stroke width brush and eraser, Change stroke profiles with Width Gradient, Apply stroke widths wi...
Creating plugins for Adobe Illustrator for over 15 years
With a background of over 25 years in graphic design and marketing, we create intuitive design tools for digital designers
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