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News, stories and media buzz related to Aifayx

  • NameJet.com is the Goldnames favorite website where to place domain name backorders. Day by day “we” try the best to prepare a compact list of pre-drop domain names. This takes a lot of time and energy. Names selection is done following a...

  • Domain Shane:  We had a big event in the family this week.  My daughter officially joined the nursery and actually punched the clock.  She’s worked before but its always just to earn a little extra money but now that she’s 16 and has her own car and...

  • In the last post of this series, you learned about picking the right brand name for your store. Now comes the second part — buying your brand’s domain name. This can be a surprisingly difficult process, depending on your store’s desired name and extension...

  • This is part 2 of a 2-part series on domain names and startups; part 1 was “Should a Startup Spend VC Funding on a Domain Name?”. (This bench at Cathedral Lawn is engraved with country domain names such as .uk, .us, .nz etc. (credit: Wikipedia...

  • Canadian company tries using UDRP to get “correct” spelling of its name. Qualify.com was registered more than 10 years before the company was founded. Qwalify, Inc., a company that services the job recruiter industry, has filed a UDRP (pdf...

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