ACME. The only affiliation between ACME Laboratories and Warner Brothers is that I've been a fan of Wile E. Coyote for decades.

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News, stories and media buzz related to ACME

  • I’ve always known that roadrunners excel at duping coyotes into running off sheer cliffs, but it wasn’t until a recent trip to Arizona that I learned the fleet-footed cuckoos are also hopeless romantics. If you learned everything you know...

  • Among the most pleasant memories of my Baby Boomer childhood are the Warner Brothers cartoons that played on television every Saturday morning.Particularly beloved was Wile E. Coyote. In frantic pursuit of the Road Runner, the hapless predator would...

  • FAIRWAY – Kansas’ trip over the fiscal cliff isn’t like the climactic scene from the movie Thelma and Louise, the way economists describe it. It’s more like Wile E. Coyote’s delayed drop in those classic Warner Brothers cartoons.

  • DC’s June 2014 Solicitations
    via talkingcomicbooks

    With each passing month, comic companies release their solicitations for the upcoming months, usually two-three months in advance. We, as the consumer, get an idea of what to expect in the coming months, like what new books are debuting or what books...

  • Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner
    via christmas-specials.fandom

    Created page with "{{character|image=Freeze_Frame.jpg|performer=Wile E. Coyote: Mel Blanc '''Road Runner:''' {{WikipediaLink|Paul Julian}}|appear=''{{WikipediaLink|Looney Tun..." New page {{character|image=Freeze_Frame.jpg|performer=Wile E. Coyote...

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  • ACME Laboratories

    Note: the only affiliation between ACME Laboratories and Warner Brothers is that I've been a fan of Wile E. Coyote for decades.

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